Do you need a Chief Digital Officer to manage your digital transformation?

The digital revolution is transforming all business departments. Marketing, HR, Sales, Finance & IT all have massive opportunities and considerable challenges thanks to the rapid pace of digital change. Whole industries are being disrupted with newer, faster and more efficient ways are doing things emerging. Many businesses are responding by creating a digital transformation programme.

What is digitization?

Digitization is the process of turning a company’s resources into new sources of revenue, growth and other operational results which add value to the company, by leveraging opportunities offered by digital technologies. In other words, digitization is developing new business models, creating unique customer experiences, building new products and services as well as utilizing a company’s resources in a much more efficient way through new combinations of information, human capital and technology assets of a company. Leaders, who aim to gain a competitive advantage, put the concept of digitization at the center of their companies and differentiate their companies with digitization practices they use in their internal (Digital Enablement), customer facing (Digital Services) and corporate strategy activities. The preliminary condition for companies not to fall behind in this contest is the execution of a balanced digitization in all of these different areas and the formation of corporate structures which enable them to make the most of new digital business models.

Unlike the chief information officer (CIO),

a company’s chief digital officer focuses less on running infrastructure and more on creating the procedures required to manage that infrastructure. CDOs typically do not make large-scale technology purchasing decisions; rather, they are enlisted to break up siloed functions within an organization to accommodate new technologies and plan strategies for how to use them most effectively.


CDO responsibilities include:

  • Creating and executing social strategies that grow brand loyalty on social networks.
  • Determining key influencers and empowering those individuals with tools to promote branding and corporate messages.
  • Developing new revenue streams.
  • Keeping up with the latest IT innovations in order to maintain a fresh digital strategy.
  • Using data to explain how the IT department contributes to an organization’s ROI.


The topic of digital transformation is at the center of Accenture’s operations in Turkey and around the world.

This index study reports on how much progress industry leaders have made towards digitization. After the positive reception of last year’s Accenture Digitization Index, which was a first for Turkey, we are now pleased to unveil this updated second edition of this study, which was made possible through the cooperation of Boğaziçi University, Middle East Technical University, Turkish Informatics Foundation and Vodafone. We believe that this index will serve as a beacon for companies on their transformation journeys, and thus contribute to Turkey’s economic growth. Bringing together private sector and academic world, the Accenture Digitization Index study aims to present the digital profiles of companies and industries, while also evaluating to which extent companies digitize their strategies, customer facing services and internal operational capabilities. We prepared a report which is based on data and aim to convert quantitative data into useful insight, as we believe that these companies are among the most significant engines for change… And in order to grow and obtain a competitive advantage, they need to undergo a digital transformation.

In the Accenture Digitization Index study,

companies which successfully integrate digitization into their corporate strategy and their main business objectives to reach competitive advantage; use digital products and services in interacting with their customers in a way that would provide the highest possible customer satisfaction; conduct communication, internal process and operations within the organization in the most efficient way via digital technologies, and are among the largest companies in Turkey in terms of revenue/assets, are defined as “Digitization Pioneers”. In this sense, with a successful digitization process, the leading companies in Turkey can design new business models, gain competitive advantages, discover new growth areas, increase customer satisfaction, boost their service quality and grasp the opportunity to enter new markets. The opportunities that come with digitization can have a huge impact on the Turkish economy and thus strengthen the country’s position in the global market. When we look at the results of this year’s Index in Turkey, we observe that the average score went up to 61% with an increase of 1% compared to last year in spite of the expansion in the criteria set. We would like to thank the participating companies which made this Index study possible, as well as Boğaziçi University and Middle East Technical University for their academic support, the Turkish Informatics Foundation for their industry support, and Vodafone, which has been making great contribution to Turkey’s digital transformation.