
The digital transformation has changed the way many businesses operate. It means that usage of tools like Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Google Meet has greatly increased. But there is one media channel which remains to be the default means of digital communication for both B2B...

#DigitalTransformation, karar vericilerin # Süpermarket Endüstrisi hakkındaki görüşlerini nasıl değiştirdi? Kroger'ın dijital hizmetler vizyonu hakkında bilgi edinmek için bu videoyu izleyin....

Document Management: Is It Time To Correct the Clutter?     How many locations does your company have to store files?  Let’s try guessing a few…. Email Attachments User Hard Drives Shared Network Drives Dropbox Google Drive OneDrive Team Sites Project Sites The more places documents are located in your...

About two weeks ago, Microsoft has announced that Exchange 2019 is already available for download. As for now, it is a preview build but the production version is just around the corner. Along with this announcement, we are happy to let you know that our email signature...

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) introduces many changes in the way companies handle data. And although the regulations are the same for every company, the way each organization handles their data security is hardly similar. In this article, I will show you how you...

The introduction of GDPR, the European Data protection law, has caused companies all around the world to revise the way they handle personal data. This is, no doubt, a great responsibility which often includes setting up a complicated process and adjusting internal procedures. On the other...

Since the GDPR changes the way personal data needs to be handled, the approach to email marketing will also be affected. For example, not only you need to obtain consent from your subscribers to receive commercial emails, but you also need to provide means to...

One of the main requirements of the GDPR is to keep personal data safe. When it comes to electronic communication, you need to use every means possible to ensure that this type of data is not disclosed or accessed by any unauthorized persons, including your...