Are you working stil in office?

Globally, the number of cellular connected devices will rise by a compound annual growth rate of 6% over the next five years, from 5.6 billion connections in 2016 to more than 7.5 billion by year-end 2021. Monthly data traffic from these devices, meanwhile, will rise eight times faster, from seven million terabytes per month to 48.9TB per month, at a CAGR of 47% over the forecast period.

Monthly cellular usage across connected devices – including smartphones, feature phones, tablets, PCs, connected CE devices and M2M – will grow from an average of 2.1GB per month, per device in 2016 to more than 6.5GB by year-end 2021. Smartphones will continue to carry the vast majority of cellular data traffic among connected devices, growing from 72% to 82% of all cellular traffic over the forecast period. Meanwhile, connected PCs and other consumer electronic devices will see the highest per-month usage rates, rising from 5.8GB in 2016 to more than 17GB per month, per device on average by 2021.

Give Your Business that Get Up and Go

Smartphones and tablets are revolutionising mobile working and staff no longer have to be in the office to stay in touch. Mobility means staff no longer have to be in the office to stay in touch. It is undeniable – these devices will help you do business better by boosting productivity, improving customer service and empowering staff.
And while smarter technology may be making business operations simpler, decisions about the best hardware, connectivity and support are increasingly more complex.

Are you updating your mobility strategy?

There are some obvious benefits of mobility to be gained, like your employees get the information they need instantly from anywhere at any time, which improves productivity, and leads to greater customer satisfaction.
But what are the hidden benefits of mobility and how do they affect your business?

Staff Retention Increases
One of the benefits of mobility is that by being cutting edge, you’ll keep your best people. Being online and plugged in all the time is how younger people have grown up, and how many older tech-savvy workers have evolved. People expect to be able to access information 24/7. Mobility in their jobs allows them to do that.
Mobility is in part being driven by this consumerisation of the workplace employees bringing their own smart devices to work and using them for work purposes. If an enterprise tries to restrict that, or at least doesn’t facilitate it by adopting a Mobility solution, it could find itself losing excellent staff to rival companies which do.

Customer perception 
Another benefit is that workers are able to be seen as good at their job. Just as staff are expecting that they be allowed to work flexibly using portable smart devices, their customers are expecting them to be doing it. People pay lip service to the good old days, but nostalgia for the traditional is just that, nostalgia.
What people want is the best service as fast as possible few shoppers would rather go back to the days of the corner grocery store and the separate baker and butcher. In today’s world everyone specialist information at their fingertips, it could be more detrimental than you think.
Customers will see that you are cutting edge by adopting a mobility strategy that better serves their needs. Your company will reap the benefits of mobility through a competitive advantage over competitors that lag behind in updating to mobility.

Familiarity breeds efficiency
Lastly, the benefits of mobility lay in allowing your employees to work with their own devices, or supplying them with devices they are already familiar with like smart phones and tablets. By not having to train people in the mechanics of the device, they’ll be working effectively from day one. Remember when offices bought an expensive multi-function phone for every desk? Most employees never got past learning how to transfer a call let alone master its many other capabilities.
With mobility in place, staff will be pouring their energy into doing their jobs better rather than working out how to use the hardware. To really drill down and discover how your business benefits from mobility, contact a specialist who can show you how to get there.

The business benefits

of an integrated mobility solution stretches right across the entire company, touching the lives and the roles of all levels of resources within the business. Congruent with the different mobility application areas, the benefits could equally be expected at the level of the generic mobile office, as well as specific application areas such as field service management. The benefits of wireless mobility include:

More efficient management of mobile and remote resources

Reduced operational costs

Improved service delivery

Productivity improvement

Ensuring business continuity

Retaining customer loyalty

Wining new customers

Providing end users with greater flexibility

Leveraging existing infrastructures to maximise logistics potential

Promising tangible business benefits such as real time return on investment (ROI)

Helping organisations gain and sustain a competitive advantage

Average monthly cellular data usage to exceed 6.5GB by 2021

Globally, the number of cellular connected devices will rise by a compound annual growth rate of 6% over the next five years, from 5.6 billion connections in 2016 to more than 7.5 billion by year-end 2021. Monthly data traffic from these devices, meanwhile, will rise eight times faster, from seven million terabytes per month to 48.9TB per month, at a CAGR of 47% over the forecast period.

Monthly cellular usage across connected devices – including smartphones, feature phones, tablets, PCs, connected CE devices and M2M – will grow from an average of 2.1GB per month, per device in 2016 to more than 6.5GB by year-end 2021. Smartphones will continue to carry the vast majority of cellular data traffic among connected devices, growing from 72% to 82% of all cellular traffic over the forecast period. Meanwhile, connected PCs and other consumer electronic devices will see the highest per-month usage rates, rising from 5.8GB in 2016 to more than 17GB per month, per device on average by 2021.

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